Guidelines for Conscious Sedation & General Anaesthesia in Dentistry
Some Relevant Guidelines:
The guidelines when considering conscious sedation or general anasthesia in dental practice are list below and should form the primary source of information when establishing a service rather than any secondary sources such as our checklists or other information.
Primary Guidelines:
PS09 2014/ANZCA - Guidelines on Sedation...for...Dental...Procedures
Policy Statement 6.17 2014/ADA - Conscious Sedation in Dentistry
Dental Board of Australia Guideline- Conscious Sedation...[in Dentistry]
Supportive Guidelines:
​PS55 2016/ANZCA - Facilities for Safe Administration of Anaesthesia
PS4 2006/ANZCA - Recommendations for the...Recovery Room
PS6 2006/ANZCA - Requirements for Anaesthesia Record
PS7 2016/ ANZCA - Recommendations...Pre-Anaesthesia Consultation
PS18 2015/ANZCA - Recommendations on Monitoring during Anaesthesia
PS8 2016/ANZCA - The Assistant to the Anaesthetist
PS15 2010/ANZCA - Perioperative Care 2016 ANZCA
These form part of the repository of professional standard documents released by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
Some Relevant Associations:
The following boards, colleges and associations may be helpful:
We recommend any arrangement outside normal accepted practice is discussed with your medicolegal provider: